Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tallinn to Tartu

We finished our first leg of the journey across Estonia yesterday. Arriving at my second cousin Maria's house just outside Tartu.
We had a wet night of camping on the way. The camping site we had aimed for was closed and had to keep riding an extra 15km. Stopping to admire a rainbow above the beautiful landscape the rain caught us and followed us to our campsite on a large lake.
Unfortunately we had no water but managed to get a fire going despite the wet ground and branches. Boiling water from the lake to drink was tedious and time consuming. Our tiny kettle holds about 600ml and half was gone after boiling for 10 minutes to insure it was safe to drink.
The next morning looking at the map we were so close to Maria's house.
I didn't have an address so I needed to check my email as she had sent us directions. We found a shop hoping there would be Internet before we could check a voice
was calling out our names. It was Laurie, Maria's husband,  he had recognized us from the blog and gave us directions to their house.


  1. You only need to get to a rolling boil (1 minute at most)! There's plenty of academic research on this, on the web
