Friday, August 13, 2010

Road To Riga


Day 3 in Latvia and we decided that instead of taking the backroad that was mostly dirt we would brave the main 'A' road to catch up some time.
For the first 40 kms it was really hard going as there is only loose gravel and sand beside the crumbling roadside to ride in. Huge trucks roared pass as we wobbled along the shoulder.
The Latvian cyclist's we met in Estonia told us that the road changes to dual carriage way about 40km from Riga. There is a breakdown lane that you can ride in. They also told us about a city camping site that was really cheap and right in the centre.
After lunch we were well sick of the crap road conditions and when we finally hit the dual carriage way it was like a dream going from 14km average to 25km!
It wasn't long till we arrived on the outskirts of Riga excited by the prospects of exploring the city.  We had directions from our Cycling friends "just follow the main road till you get to a bridge" sounds easy but without a detailed map it was only a matter of time till we got lost.
We eventually got a map and found the campsite. Relieved and exhausted
we arrived after a 96km day our longest so far!

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